
Is the Sale in Jeopardy?

A glitch arose this week as a result of the inspection. The inspector and the buyer’s agent made some serious mistakes that led to the buyer wanting an extra $15,000 to fix!

  • The inspector characterized the roof as “aluminum” with a lifetime of only 20 years which was already over. Obviously, that was a major problem for the buyer. However, the roof is actually steel with a lifetime of 40-70 years and just needs some minor repairs.
  • He found a hose bib under the deck that didn’t have a handle. Since the actual operating hose bib wasn’t mentioned, the implication was drawn that there was no other hose bib on the rear of the house.
  • The HVAC system is about 10 years old. The inspector said that appliances over 10 years old should be inspected and serviced annually. The buyer’s agent mischaracterized this as “the appliances are past their ‘best used by’ date and should be replaced”.
  • Several other minor and not-so-minor issues, but nothing near the magnitude of the above.

After our agent worked with the other agent, things were resolved amicably. We agreed to fix, or have a licensed contractor fix, several items and no price reduction is needed.

So we’re back on track and still hoping to pack, load, and leave for “Nowheresville, Idaho” (as Laura calls it) next weekend (7/23-24).

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