

Our porch roof is supported by 6×6 raw wood posts. We haven’t got the ceiling on the porch yet, so the rafters are open and we have birds nesting in some of them. A squirrel also picked one of them for her nest and that one is just outside our kitchen/dining room slider. We would periodically see her bringing pine cones and other things up to the nest. The other day we saw Mrs. Squirrel carrying something furry in her mouth. “What is that?” we wondered. A mouse? A rat? No, it turned out to be a baby squirrel that she was carrying up to the nest, laboriously climbing up the post and depositing it in the nest. Shortly, she was back with another. We watched them over the next several days as Mrs. Squirrel went back and forth feeding and caring for her babies. When she left the nest, the babies would peer over the side and look for her. Then one day we saw her carrying one of her babies, now grown to almost her size, down the post. About halfway down, the now-grown squirrel escaped from her grasp and scampered back up the post into the nest. After several tries, Mrs. Squirrel finally evicted that one and then went on to get the other one to leave the nest. We still see them from time to time, playing or doing whatever it is that squirrels do in the woods just outside our door.

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